Do you frequently experience jaw pain? If so, you probably have a hard time speaking and eating normally. It’s easy to forget how important your jaw joints are until they no longer function properly or comfortably. Fortunately, there are treatments available to help alleviate discomfort from a variety of jaw problems. Dr. Richard Howes is a skilled dentist in Livermore, CA, who knows how to recognize common jaw issues and may be able to alleviate your jaw pain with treatment.
Common Causes of Jaw Discomfort
When you think of jaw discomfort, temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) may be the first thing that comes to mind. While this condition is a common cause of unpleasant symptoms in and around the jaw joint, it’s not the only thing that can cause jaw pain. Here are a few more common causes of jaw discomfort:
If your jaw discomfort can be traced back to any of the above causes, it’s time to visit your dentist in Livermore, CA, for treatment. Dr. Howes can evaluate your jaw and develop a customized treatment plan to minimize your pain.
Treatments for Jaw Discomfort
The type of treatment you receive for your jaw discomfort depends on the severity of your condition and what’s causing it. Dr. Howes may recommend occlusal adjustment to fix problems with your bite so that your feet fit together properly. He may also recommend stress reduction techniques or wearing a mouth guard to bed at night.
Alleviate Your Pain Today
No one should have to live with chronic jaw pain. If you’re ready to address your symptoms and live more comfortably, schedule an appointment with Dr. Howes by calling Smiles by Design during regular business hours.