Are you preparing to straighten your teeth with orthodontics? If so, you’re taking an important step toward improving your appearance, self-confidence, and oral health. If you’ve done any research on available orthodontic options, you’ve probably discovered a wide variety of treatments from which you can choose. Here’s what you should know about some of the most popular treatments Drs. Dan Knellinger, Stacey Verkler and Carol Bou-Sliman offer at their practice, and how to choose which one is right for you.
If you want to straighten your teeth as quickly as possible, Fastbraces® may be the ideal option for your situation. Unlike traditional braces and Invisalign®, Fastbraces® uses a unique design to move both the root and the crown of the tooth at the same time. The advanced technology utilized for this type of treatment helps to reduce the need for tooth extractions while providing impressive aesthetic results in a short period of time.
Invisalign® may be recommended by your dentist in Palm Harbor, FL, if you want a low-profile alternative to metal braces. Clear aligners are nearly impossible for others to see and allow you to eat a variety of foods because they can be easily removed whenever you eat or want to clean your teeth. Treatment time is similar to traditional braces.
Six Month Braces™
Six Month Braces™ is a good orthodontic treatment option if you’re only concerned about straightening your front teeth. When this method is used, only the front teeth are moved into correct alignment, while the back teeth are left in their current positions. Since only a few of the teeth are moved, treatment time is drastically reduced when compared to traditional braces that are applied to all of the teeth.
Contact Us
Ready to learn more about Fastbraces® and the other orthodontic options available at Knellinger Dental Excellence? To schedule your appointment today, contact our office.