The temporomandibular joint, also known as the TMJ, is an integral component in your jaw. It is the joint that allows you to close and open your mouth effortlessly. It sees a lot of use so over time it can begin to wear down resulting in discomfort and the inability to chew properly. National TMJ Awareness Month is this November, so now is a good time to look at all the ways you can treat your jaw if you develop a disorder.
Treatment Options You Can Do on Your Own
If you are looking for quick relief, you have a few options at your disposal. TMJ disorders can cause pain in the jaw, face and neck, and most of the time you can substantially reduce this pain by taking over-the-counter medication. You can also resort to a diet that primarily consists of softer foods such as cooked vegetables, scrambled eggs, soup and similar items. Sometimes TMJ problems are the result of the jaw muscles getting too tense, so you can try applying a heated compress to the side of your face.
Treatment Options Provided by Dr. Neeley
The previously mentioned treatments are good for some relief, but if your TMJ disorder is severe, then you will need to visit the office of Dr. Neeley to get a more comprehensive solution. A common way our team handles this issue is by prescribing a custom mouthguard that you should wear over your teeth as you sleep. TMJ disorders are often exacerbated by unknowingly grinding your teeth while you sleep. A mouthguard can reduce the pressure placed on your joints, and it can also prevent your teeth from cracking. Additional treatments include surgery or cortisone shots.
Get the Treatment You Need
After a professional at the Neeley Dental Group has examined your jaw, you will be given the ideal treatment to provide you with much needed relief. Do not live with pain when Dr. Michael Neeley is here to lend a helping hand. Contact us as soon as you notice complications.