Chipped teeth happen. They are just a reality of life. At Waterside Dental, we know that playing sports, chewing on problem foods like hard candy/corn nuts, and accidents can all lead to a chip in the pearly white enamel of your teeth. But is this really such a big deal, especially if there is no pain involved? Yes, it really is a big deal, and we’ll tell you why.
Small chips are often brushed aside without thought. They don’t usually hurt, and they can seem like a cosmetic issue to most people, so why bother? The reality is that every small change to the oral structure of your mouth can lead to small changes in the overall functionality of your teeth and jaw. This slight chip can lead to a slight change in your chewing that causes your other teeth to compensate, or your jaw to work differently. Although the chip may be small this time, your tooth may be more susceptible to larger chips and cracks in the future because of the damage it has already sustained. These issues can all compound and create more problems down the line.
Big chips are harder to ignore, for both the esthetic problems and pain they may cause. What you think is a chip can be a broken tooth. When teeth are deeply chipped or broken, they are susceptible for severe infection. This infection can not only permanently damage the pulp of the tooth, it can spread through the bloodstream to other areas of your body and cause other problems. Patients who have this kind of infection are more likely to experience heart disease, diabetes, stroke and reproductive problems.
Small chips can often be fixed easily by your dentist with a filling. Larger chips, or ones that penetrate the pulp of your tooth, may require a root canal and cap. If larger chips do not penetrate the pulp, dental crowns in North Port are usually sufficient. If you have a chipped tooth, don’t leave it to chance. Call today to schedule an appointment.