The technological revolution of the last 50 years has touched every aspect of human life, but its effects on dentistry and healthcare have been especially profound And Dr. Ty James and Brice McMurphy at Chapel Hill Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Douglasville, GA have embraced modern dental technology. For patients needing orthodontics to help them improve their alignment and oral health, this means advanced materials and construction that ensures today’s advanced orthodontics work more quickly and fit more comfortably than traditional braces. They also boast a lower profile, making them discreet in academic and professional situations.
Ceramic brackets and translucent wires have allowed for lower-profile braces for decades, but innovative orthodontics have gone further, with replaceable trays that remove the need for permanent braces. These discreet trays are the Invisalign system, designed for people with minor to moderate alignment readjustment needs. For those looking to treat alignment issues with minimal visibility, this is the most technologically advanced option. For those looking at the popular system look no further to receive Invisalign® treatment in Douglasville, GA
While low profile treatment options are great for many patients, others are more concerned with the length of treatment and the lifestyle changes that have to occur to accommodate it. For those patients, there is finally an option that delivers the great results traditional braces are known for, but faster. Fastbraces® in Douglasville, GA are that option. They move both the crown and the root of a tooth at once, essentially cutting treatment time in half. With Fastbraces comes a variety of other benefits for patients:
Faster orthodontic options have been a dream of both dentists and patients for decades. Now you can enjoy the reality that comes from the revolutionary new design that comes with Fastbraces.
If you’re thinking about orthodontic options for yourself or children in your family, our dentists are happy to discuss the details and help you decide which path of treatment is best for your situation. All it takes is a short phone call to (678) 384-4880 or visit us online to set an appointment with dentists Dr. Ty James and Brice Mcmurphy of Chapel Hill Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Douglasville, GA. Don’t wait, our associates are ready to help you.