October 10, 2017

Oral and facial pain is a condition that many people live with; unfortunately, few people make the effort to discover the cause of this pain until it becomes a serious problem. This means that many people are living with unnecessary jaw pain caused by TMJ in Frankfort, KY. A dentist like Dr. Peters can help patients discover the causes of persistent pain and provide guidance regarding ways to treat and relieve it. Seeing a dentist is a good way to learn about your oral health in general as well as to address pain-related concerns. In fact, pain in the jaw, teeth, gums, or mouth are all signs that it is time to see a dentist.

How Can I Be Sure Now Is the Right Time?

Not everyone goes to the dentist on a regular basis and so may not be certain that a check-up is really called for. Here are a few signs that this is a good time to call and schedule an appointment for yourself with Family Dental Center:

  • Pain in the jaw, teeth, gums, or oral tissue
  • Tooth sensitivity, including tinging or sharp feelings in teeth when eating or drinking
  • Tooth pain, especially pain that necessitates chewing on the opposite side of the mouth
  • Teeth that have developed cracks or chips
  • Unusual tooth discoloration
  • White spots on teeth
  • Unusual or unexpected dry mouth
  • Metallic taste in the mouth

Frequent headaches can also be caused by various conditions that your dentist can diagnose. Speaking with Dr. Peters about headaches, neck pain, and facial pain can be the first step to finding relief from these troublesome symptoms.

Regular Care Is Best

We understand that life can be very busy and keeping up with the recommended dental appointment every six months can be a struggle. Try to make time to see Dr. Peters on a regular basis. This will help prevent problems like cavities and gum disease from developing; we can also catch these conditions early in their most treatable stage. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.



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