There are numerous aesthetic issues that can plague a smile. If you want to be able to smile big and wide with confidence, then you need to pick the best cosmetic dentistry procedure for you. Numerous people can benefit greatly from dental veneers. Although they are thin shells made of porcelain, they are capable of covering up many different problems.
Tooth Discoloration
Teeth whitening treatments are great for extrinsic stains on teeth. These are stains which have formed on the outside of a tooth and are often caused by foods, drinks and smoking. However, this treatment does nothing for intrinsic stains, which can occur due to excessive fluoride intake during childhood or experiencing severe facial trauma. For these stains, you can have veneers adhered to the outside of your teeth to cover up the stains.
Tooth Lengthening
If you are unsatisfied with the length of your teeth, then one of the only options available to you is to undergo gum surgery. This is an extensive treatment, but you can also simply apply porcelain veneers. It takes roughly two appointments to complete the process, and plenty of people do not even require general anesthesia.
Orthodontics are typically used to treat crooked teeth. While that procedure will be necessary in many circumstances, you may be able to get away with applying dental veneers to cover up the crookedness. They can also be used to hide spacing issues and gaps in the smile.
See If You Qualify Today
Not everyone will be a candidate for veneers, so schedule an appointment at the office of Dr. Matthew R. Burton to see if they are right for you. As long as you do not have gum disease and have minimal cosmetic problems, then veneers can be the best choice. With proper maintenance, veneers can last over 10 years, so contact us in Clearwater, FL!