If you tend to deal with a lot of stress in your life, then you have likely received the same sage advice from multiple sources about how you need to lessen it before it affects your health. Aside from the obvious psychological toll it may take, some people will claim that it will damage your sleep patterns. Others may say that it could lead to heart trouble. It is probably a safe bet, however, that no has yet told you that experiencing stress in Westchester, CA, may severely harm your teeth.
While simply feeling stress may not have a direct impact on your oral health, the physical symptoms that it prompts may serve to exacerbate or even lead to problems in your jaw and mouth. Some of these stress-relates issues include:
Eliminating the sources of stress in your life may be easier said than done. But while you work to accomplish that goal, let Dr. Sperbeck and the rest of our team give you the tools that you need to stop it from doing any further damage to your oral health. You will be surprised at just how far having a healthy smile to share with the rest of the world can go toward improving your mood and confidence. To discuss your options for treating stress-related dental issues, just give us a call at 310-670-6944.