August 16, 2017

If you are embarrassed about the look of your teeth but cannot afford implants, veneers can give you a beautiful smile in the interim. Veneers are temporary coverings that can hide all your cosmetic problems, including stained, chipped or worn-down teeth, as well as gaps in your teeth or a noticeable misalignment. The process is not reversible, however. It is a good idea to consult an experienced dentist, such as Dr. Matthew D. Wolfe of Signature Dentistry of Rochester, to determine if they are right for you.

What are Veneers?

Usually made of porcelain, veneers are thin “shells” that are placed over the front of your teeth and bonded into place. They are tailored to fit each tooth and do not impede teeth functions such as chewing and biting. Here is a comparison of the pros and cons of veneers.

Pros of Having Veneers

  • Resistance to stains
  • Natural look and feel
  • Do not hamper chewing or speech
  • Hide stains and other cosmetic problems
  • Whiten teeth and make them appear uniform
  • Serves as replacement enamel for original eroded teeth

Cons of Installing Veneers

  • The price per tooth is between $500 and $1,300, depending on where you live, the dentist you choose and the treatment plan you are following. The average cost is closer to $1,300 nationwide.
  • You may have increased sensitivity in your teeth, which you can manage with sensitive toothpaste and other products.
  • To place your veneers correctly, your dentist must alter your natural teeth structure. He may remove the outer enamel to ensure veneers have enough room.

Consult a Professional

Due to the permanence of enamel removal, installing veneers is considered a permanent treatment. It is crucial that you discuss your options with an experienced comprehensive dentist such as Dr. Wolfe, who can advise you on this procedure and help you make the choice that fits you and your specific needs.

If you would like more information about veneers, please contact our office. We are happy to answer any questions or schedule a consultation for you.



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